Fang Zhouzi: A few tricks to teach you to become a "health master"
Fang Zhouzi's popular science writer's original title "How to Become a" Health Master "" Health Master "Li Yi's" Immortal "closed the door, and his health training class was closed. Earlier, Zhang Wuben, the "first person in Chinese medicine dietotherapy", was torn down and his book was taken off the shelf. Earlier, Lin Guangchang, the "godfather of detoxification", was sentenced to two years and six months' imprisonment for fraud in Taiwan, and Liu Hongzhang, the "doctor of Liu", was also arrested in Tianjin for illegally practicing medicine and charged with selling fake and shoddy products. This is an era when masters emerge in large numbers. "Health masters" come forward one after another. If a "master" falls down, a new "master" will soon emerge ". Let me teach this.
方舟子 科普作家 原题《如何成为一名“养生大师”》 “养生大师”李一“神仙”闭关了,他的养生培训班停办了。稍早一点,“中医食疗第一人”张悟本收费高昂的悟本堂拆了,他的书下架了。再早一些,“排毒教父”林光常在台湾因欺诈罪被判两年六个月徒刑,“刘太医”刘弘章也在天津因非法行医被捕,以销售伪劣产品罪遭到起诉。这是大师辈出的时代,“养生大师”前赴后继,一个“大师”倒下了,很快又会冒出新的“大师”。我来传授一下这些前辈“大师”的经验,你如果跟着学,下一个名动江湖的“养生大师”说不定就是你了。 首先要给自己起一个能够体现自己的养生特色和地位的响当当的绰号,自从水浒的时代以来,这是行走江湖的通行证,是扬名立万的招牌。绰号可以是自己喊出的,也可以是媒体帮着炒出的。有时一个绰号不够,就再加一个别号,所以张悟本又号“京城最贵中医”,林光常又号“地瓜王子”,李一又号“道医传人”。
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