Product classification

INCOLOY 020 (UNS N08020) has excellent corrosion resistance in chemical environments containing sulfuric acid and useful resistance in environments containing chloride, nitric acid and phosphoric acid. Other uses include the production of gasoline, solvents, explosives, inorganic and organic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food and synthetic materials. INCOLOY 020 is easy to manufacture and is used in the production of mixing tanks, heat exchangers, process piping, pickling equipment, pumps, valves, fasteners and fittings.
Key words:
Superalloy | Inkenel | Hastelloy | Inkloy | Precision Alloy Series
Product Parameters
INCOLOY 020 (UNS N08020) has excellent corrosion resistance in chemical environments containing sulfuric acid and useful resistance in environments containing chloride, nitric acid and phosphoric acid. Other uses include the production of gasoline, solvents, explosives, inorganic and organic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food and synthetic materials. INCOLOY 020 is easy to manufacture and is used in the production of mixing tanks, heat exchangers, process piping, pickling equipment, pumps, valves, fasteners and fittings.
Incoloy® Alloy 020 can be welded by shielded metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding and gas shielded metal arc welding. THE FILLER METAL IS USUALLY AN INCONEL ALLOY.
Incoloy® Alloy 020 can be hot-worked in temperatures ranging from 760-1175°C (1400-2150°F).
Incoloy® Alloy 020 should be annealed at 982-1010°C (1800-1850°F) for a time commensurate with the section size/AC.
Incoloy® Alloy 020 is used in the following applications:
Production of mixing tanks, heat exchangers, valves, fittings and fasteners
Production of gasoline, solvents, explosives and organic chemicals
Pharmaceutical and food industry.
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